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The Windscreen Factory


  • Color: Verde
  • Face Weight: 36 oz.
  • Backing: 20 oz. Urethane
  • Yarn: Nylon
  • Warranty: 10 year
  • Width: 12’ or 15’
  • Optional Adder: Padded


We offer small-scale artificial turf installation for a number of applications.

From lacrosse to football and everything in between, indoor artificial turf offers cost-effective solutions for fields of any size and purpose.

The Windscreen Factory carries a wide variety of artificial turf to choose from to create the perfect indoor sports field.

We have a nice selection of various heights, weights, colors, and padding. Any type of turf can be made to fit your desired size and budget.

If you have any questions about this product, or you would like assistance in selecting the right turf for your facility, please contact us today.

This material is idealforbatting cages indoors or outdoors, custom on-deck circles, strength and agility training, sled pulls, CrossFit, soccer, aerobics, and more!

​We cut to any length needed starting at 15×10 up to 15×200 or 12×10 up to 12×200.